Welcome to Gentle Bend Chiropractic

Our mission is to restore balance to your body.

What is balance within the body?

Consider your body a high end sports car.  Balance is how all the parts work smoothly when the car is pushed to its extremes.  If you never push the car one can have many of the systems of the body out of balance and never know it.  If you push the body/car however these imbalances become more noticeable.  At the top end of performance even slight alignment problems could have significant consequences.  The ways that we push our body include long work hours, significant daily stress, high goals for our sports performance and poor fuel.

Symptoms of Imbalance Within the Body


The body’s most major indicator that your body is out of balance is pain.  We do not just try and resolve the symptoms of pain but find the source of imbalance within the body that is producing that symptom of pain.

Muscle Imblance

When imbalance is perceived in the body, the natural response is to decrease the ability that muscles can contract around that area.  In order to allow the body to still maintain basic function the body uses other muscle groups to work around the injured area. 

Decreased Mental Clarity

The brain is bombarded with signals from the body when it is out of alignment.  The more areas of imbalance, the more signals assaulting the brain.  This results in background noise that the brain has to process while trying to remain focused on whatever you need it to be working on at any moment.

Increased Stress Response

The brain translates this background noise as stress.  This stress on the mind produced by the imbalances within the body result in an increased stress response in the body.  This includes increased increased heart rate, decreased blood flow to the hands and feet, increased storing of body fat around the abdominal region and decreased digestion function.

Decreased Immune Fuction

As the body becomes more and more imbalanced the systems that fight off infection are put on hold while the body attempts to restore basic functions. It is willing to compromise many other systems in the body to achieve this goal. The obvious results of this are increased occurrences of colds and flus as well as increased susceptibility to more serious illnesses.


The muscle imbalances and increased stress response have a significant affect on the the body overall energy level.  The more a body is out of balance the more energy it requires to keep it going.  This means less energy for you to use to do all the things you want your body to do each day.

How we strive to achieve this mission in our practice:

Restore the Body

We implement an integrated modern style of chiropractic, eastern healing arts and modern soft tissue therapies to restore balance to the structure of the body. It is through a balanced structure that many of the other systems of the body are allowed to function naturally and optimally.

Empower the Mind

Educate you as to what it takes to live a balanced healthy lifestyle. Although we enjoy seeing each of our patients, our goal is to empower you with the tools you need to keep yourself healthy.

Build the Team

Work with the rest of your health care team to provide a "teamwork style" approach to your health care. We realize that healthcare is a team sport and you receive the best care possible when all of your health care providers work together to help you achieve your goals.

Health Is Not A Commodity

Health does not mean the absence of disease. It means our body’s ability to fight off infection, recover from illness and maintain a high level of daily function.  If there are 5 major assets in life they are time, money, health, relationships, religion/spirituality. If you have an abundance of health it allows you to have more useable time in the day and thus allows you to spend more time growing the other assets.

About Dr. Ti

Initially, my plan was to become an emergency room doctor. However, after spending numerous hours in the emergency room volunteering, I realized that there was no healing taking place in this environment. I saw patients coming in with the same preventable conditions over and over, knowing that one of these times we would not be able to bring them back. In my search for a way to truly help people heal I found chiropractic. I discovered in this science the concept that I had come to realize as true-health is a state of balance within the body, maintained by our nervous system.

Prior to chiropractic school, I completed a four year medical qigong program through the International Institute of Medical Qigong, including study abroad in China at noted hospitals and under the tutelage of noted masters. I was able to do this while completing my pre-med classes at San Jose State University.

During chiropractic school at Palmer West, I was the president of the Sacro Occipital Technique Club and Interdisciplinary Club, participated in the speech club, was the moderator of the technique lab assistants, and participated in numerous off campus seminars. Upon graduation, I received the prestigious Virgil Strang Philosophy award.

After graduation I had the privilege of working with one of my mentors in Colorado where I helped run both of his clinics; a multidisciplinary clinic and a very traditional chiropractic clinic. After a year, I moved back to the Bay Area where I opened my own practice. A year into this practice, I received a call from a noted Japanese spine surgeon inviting me to move to Japan to work with him in his spine clinic. After some negotiation, I moved to Japan for two years. In the Spring of 2011, I once again returned to the Bay Area, took a part time clinical faculty position at Palmer West, and opened up practices in Los Gatos.  I currently am a full time clinician at palmer as well as taking care of my patients in Los Gatos.  In my free time I teach seminars to other doctors on the topics of technique as well as helping oversee many of the sports events associated with the Palmer west sports club such as the Turkey trot, Susan G Coman breast cancer walk, and the sea otter classic.
Want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ti? Please contact.

Chiropractic Techniques

Certified chiropractic sports practitioner
Promoting the highest standards of excellence and clinical competence for chiropractors specializing in sports medicine and physical fitness.
Sacro Occipital Technique
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) was originally formulated by Major Bertrand DeJarnette (The Major) who was a Doctor (chiropractor and osteopath) and Engineer in the 1920’s. The Major was inspired to go beyond simple spinal adjusting and developed methods of correcting the Cranium, Pelvis, Extremities and Organs. This study brought about a system of adjusting patterns in the body, not just single body
parts. The most significant pattern was the relationship between the sacrum and occiput (which became the name of the technique).
Chiropractic extremity adjusting (arms and legs)
Extremity adjusting is a specialty within chiropractic that takes significant dedication to learn and master. I have had the rare opportunity to be mo stored by two of the most distinguished extremity adjusters in the world. I studied under Mark Charette and Dan McClure. I have been an athlete my whole life. Many injuries are begin in the arms and legs of athletes. To truly restore balance to the body I feel it's essential to be able to adjust all the joins within the body with the same skill and proficiency that one can adjust the joints of the spine.
Gentle Bend Chiropractic
409 Alberto Way, Suite #3
Los Gatos, Ca. 95032
(408) 827-1422
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